A Great Story

Re Good News Stories, November

It was good to read the Good News Stories. Have you heard Cannington’s story? They had a beautiful brick church with stained glass windows and lovely woodwork.

In October 2007, a youth deliberately set it on fire. They forgave him, but such a shame, such a shock. They re-invested the insurance money. They needed time to think and pray for God’s guidance. They decided it would be best to join Beaverton and help them build their new church.

On Oct. 3, 2010, they invited presbytery, Beaverton, and others to come to their empty church lot for a service. Then they went to the old stone church at Beaverton for a communion and dedication service.

Cannington is a church that has suffered a great loss. I feel they are doing well to be generous. I think it would be nice to give them some recognition.

Editor responds: We agree completely, and that’s why we’ve featured the newly amalgamated congregation in our News section.

About Kathleen Lyons, Lindsay, Ont.