Ode to Christ: Payment in Advance and in Full

I use Christ’s name in vain,
I have displayed in the worst way and
everything I’ve done requires
from Him,
the One,
In advance of all the sins,
I’m afraid,
I’ll have committed in life;
when I’ll fade into the hereafter,
I will have none of the stains of sin
that the devil’s spun,
Since Christ, for all that I’ve done,
will have paid.
Thus, knowing that I’ll blaspheme Him,
have laid against Him
(though I do not my Lord shun)
My most foul of thoughts,
it has been conveyed to me
that I need Him,
the Father’s Son,
To pay for me with His blood as He
prayed to Heaven, which gave
Him nowhere to run.

About Frank G. Sterle, Jr., White Rock, B.C.