The Beauty of Ethnic Diversity

Re The Real McCoy, February

Yes, the PCC has a great challenge and opportunity on its hands when it comes to the issue of diversity, especially ethnic diversity.
International potluck suppers and wearing traditional dress in worship are good starting points to gain an appreciation for different cultures. However, if we are to truly benefit from the gifts that people from different ethnicities bring to the church, we must do more.
It is not enough to state through (or in response to) an overture that we want to incorporate this rich diversity into our church. We need to take some risks and explore new ways the ethnic diversity in our denomination can be leveraged to transform all of us, regardless of skin colour.
February was Black History month. How enriching it would be to learn how Canadian Presbyterians were involved in the history of oppressed Black people. What a blessing it would be to hear faith stories from the perspective of Black Presbyterians. These stories are not meant to affirm only Black people, but all people.
That’s the beauty of belonging to an ethnically diverse denomination. The stories of God’s saving work among a particular ethnic group becomes the greater denomination’s story. Our identity as Presbyterians is shaped by all of our experiences. What an exciting future we as a denomination have ahead of us!
Rev. Paul Kang