He IS Presbyterian!

Re Members For Eternity, March

I am Presbyterian!
I am born into a Presbyterian family
I have been in a Presbyterian Church since I was 5 weeks old
I am Christened Presbyterian
I had famous Presbyterian Theologians as my mentors when I as young
I joined the Presbyterian Church
I have managed the finances of Presbyterian Congregations
I have been an Elder in three different Congregations since 1978
I am a student of religious philosophy
I am inclusive because there is more than one path to Godliness
I am exploring my Faith
I am convinced current statements of faith do not express the grandeur of Godliness
I am convinced of the social justice of the life of Jesus expressed in the Scriptures
Social Justice is much older than the stories in the New Testament
I am saved by Grace
I am a member!
There are lots of us out there many still in the closet!
They are happy to take vows that mean nothing to them so that they may belong
They need not!
Embrace seekers like me
Find ways to allow for exploration outside Bible Study!
I AM Presbyterian!
George Agar