Advice to a Young Minister

1. “The pulpit,” Barth said, “is the real arena of the Kingdom of God”. In the busyness of your parish ministry and the many demands that are made upon you, never forget that. Order your priorities accordingly.

2. Like Barth, sit before your Bible studying it each day. “Plow it like a farmer, furrow after furrow,” as Barth’s friend, Eduard Thurneysen said. Barth did.

3. Love your people as K arl Bar th loved his congregation. Live in solidarity with them in their struggles.

4. Keep the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other, as Barth famously said. And the internet.

5. Always have a solid theological book like Calvin’s Institutes on the go.

6. Find a colleague or mentor with whom you can discuss theological, ecclesiastical, social and political issues as Barth did with Eduard Thurneysen.
