Bullies in the Bible

Who is the bully in each of these Bible stories?

  • Joseph and His Brothers        Genesis 37: 3-35 , FSB (pp. 63-65), Spark SB (pp. 48-53)
  • Samson and Delilah            Judges 16: 4-30, FSB (pp. 100-101)
  • David and Goliath               1 Samuel 17, FSB (pp. 109-110), Spark SB (pp. 130-135)
  • Jesus and the Pharisees     John 8: 1-11, FSB (pp. 218-219)
  • Saul and the Christians        Acts 9: 1-20, FSB (pp. 274-275), Spark SB (pp. 514-519)


  1. (FSB) The Family Story Bible by Ralph Milton (Kelowna, BC: Northstone, 1996)
  2. (Spark SB) Spark Story Bible (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2009)


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