Beyond Feminist and Masculinist #2

Re It’s All About Relationships, May

In response to the concern that there are not enough women involved in the church I say this: We are here. We are the front line workers. Not just Sunday but every day. Keeping not just our children but also our spouses, co-workers and neighbours on track. We are the soldiers in the day-to-day trenches of life. Dealing with FaceBook, YouTube, and every other new poisonous thing that heads our way. We have our ear to the ground and follow what is happening in the real world. Every day we pray for our fellow beings, preach our lessons and we show by example how to follow best in His teachings. We are the Noble Wives of the new millennium.
Men may be the official voice in our church but that is only because we women are too busy at home dealing with the day-to-day realities of bringing up children and for those past those years of child rearing, of keeping others on track through His word.