Shouting Out

Rev. Rick Horst, Moderator of the 137th General Assembly:

Rev. Rick Horst, Moderator

“In and of itself, there is nothing wrong with institutions, but the Presbyterian Church in Canada is not called of God to be an institution. Instead, we are called and empowered to be a ‘movement’ for Christ in the world, looking to live out the gospel in ways that will address human hurts and hopes in concrete ways. God invites us to be risk – takers in mission, and to be intentional about our ministries.”

Ms. Nora Carmi, from the Sabeel Centre:
“Today, there are approximately 14 million Arab Christians in the Middle East, belonging to a whole range of Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism, with 13 main churches having their See in Jerusalem. Though Palestinian Christians are less than two percent of the population of Palestine – Israel, they … have lived the same fate as refugees, and have the same aspirations of living in a democratic state where all citizens are treated equally and with respect, regardless of their faith or affiliation.
“The great achievement of the forgotten faithful is the Kairos Palestinian document, A Moment of Truth. It is a word of faith, hope and love from the heart of the suffering of the Palestinian people. Amidst all the pain, we discern at this opportune time that we all have to act together for a just peace for all.
“The call includes Muslims, Jews, decision – makers and the international community observing the exoneration of evils in the Middle East and the growing tendencies toward fundamentalism. We realize there is an urgent need for revisiting our theologies and condemning the distortion of sacred texts to promote ideological and political interests. We realize that the oppressive systems of demolition cannot reign eternally. It is our responsibility to stand up nonviolently against them.
“Standing with the oppressed is a Christian responsibility. We urge you to hear the Kairos call, to dare and speak the truth and stand for justice.”