Prophecy of the Book

This letter should probably be directed to the doctrine committee.
I am not a theologian but a former member of the United Church who experienced a miraculous healing immediately following prayer in a church of a different denomination. My U.C. minister’s response was, “We are obviously at opposite ends of the theological spectrum” and I left the UCC.
In the July/August 2010 Record, I read about the decline in attendance and then the words the doctrine committee has used in their Living Faith and A Catechism for Today to describe the Bible. How far from John Calvin’s solo scriptura the Presbyterian Church has moved. If all scripture is Spirit – breathed, how can the Bible be merely “necessary,” “sufficient” and “reliable” but not “inerrant?”
And as this relates to the relationship between Canadian Presbyterians and the Jewish people, I strongly recommend that the committee reviews Eye to Eye by William Koenig, a correspondent to the White House. Also, in light of Revelation 22:18 – 19, I wonder which scriptures the PCC has decided are inerrant?

About Joan Marshall, Hamilton, Ont.