Got Demons?

Man of interest
Got demons? For 20 years, Bob Larson was the host of a very popular two-hour Christian radio program. Over the airwaves he would exorcise demons (usually with names like “cigarette,” “molestation,” “lust” or the like). Today he still garners a huge following on T.V. reruns, twitter and has a new reality T.V. show. He is unique, to say the least. In his book, UFOs and the Alien Agenda, Bob attempts to show how alien visitors to earth are actually—you guessed it—demons. You can also watch tons of “exorcisms” on Bob’s very own YouTube channel, through a link on his website. Bob, for some reason, loves to interview the “demons” before helping people and you can see Bob “burn” people by putting a Bible on their foreheads. But that’s not the best part. Years ago I saw Bob live as he lassoed the possessed with an invisible spiritual rope. Like I said, he’s unique. Oh, and did I forget to mention that for US$59, Bob will send you a CD teaching you how to exorcise demons at home? Or you can purchase his new book of “Demon Proofing Prayers” for a nominal fee. Ah … and one more thing, for just US$4.99, you can take Bob’s “Demon Test” here to see if you’ve got one. and

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Larry Norman is sometimes called “The Godfather of Christian Rock.” In the late 50s, after his father banned him from listening to “the devil’s rock and roll” (Elvis to be specific), Norman began writing his own version of rock with a then-contemporary Christian twist. His music brought about a lot of controversy because of his insistence that hymns were not the only way to glorify God in music. Before his death, Larry recorded over 100 Christian music albums. His talent gained him numerous awards and even got him into the Grammy’s tribute section. Still, he’s perhaps best known for his song, “Why Should the Devil Have all the
Good Music?” Search for “Larry Norman why should the devil” and

Concerned about the kind of music your kids are listening too? Are they confused by Satan’s tricks? Do they actually believe there is such a thing as Christian rock? Well you’re in luck. The good people at Satan’s Music can direct you to all kinds of helpful pages like: The Jonas Brothers: Satanic to the Core, where they reverse-play the lyrics to reveal demonic messages hidden in pop songs. You can also find out about other demonic artists like “so-called Christian artist” Michael W. Smith or see the evil sides of Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, or that she-devil Selena Gomez. and click on “Devil’s Music.”

EvilI would be remiss if I did not present at least one intellectually worthy piece of information on the subject of demonology. With that in mind, I point our faithful readers to a book well worth reading: Powers of Evil: A Biblical Study of Satan and Demons by Sydney H. T. Page. Although not the newest book on this topic, Powers of Evil is perhaps the best single work on this subject. More to the point, it is one of those rare finds that’s not hokey. In fact, it’s an extremely well put together work on the way the devil, demons and possession are presented throughout the Bible. It’s done with extreme care, taking into consideration a multitude of perspectives and understandings of biblical interpretation. So order this book, turn off your computer and read something that’s both faithful to the text and intelligent.