Name Calling

My sister phoned me the other day.  She is 10 years older than I am and although we are both seniors, to her, I am her “baby sister.”

In a house full of young people, I came along and was such a novelty that I am sure I was loved nearly to death.  I have wonderful memories of my older brothers and sisters who made me feel cherished.  I was truly blessed.

When my sister called me, she of course used the childhood name she always did.  It sort of shook me up.  My husband used it too, but now with him gone, she is the only one that calls me by this name.  It touched me and made me realize how important names are.

Walter Wangerin Jr., in The Four Acts of Prayer DVD and discussion guide, questions us as to the various names we invoke when we speak to God. It’s quite astounding how each one of us has a particular way of addressing God in our prayers. It is as personal as our own names are.

Recently a great-granddaughter was added to my list of relations and almost the first thing I asked was, “What are you calling her?”

Both my grandchildren’s second names are ones of a brother and a sister who died many years ago.  When I see their names come up on my email (second names included) I think how special it was of my daughter to remember them in this way.

I recall my mother calling all the three names of her youngest children, before she settled on the one she wanted….somehow I am all three of them…my memories wound around them and my personality impacted by them too.

My husband carried around a much despised name until he was fourteen and changed schools. The first thing he did was approach the principal and asked that he be called by a derivative and much more acceptable name.  To this day there are only a few people that know the name he was originally given and the name calling he had to endure when he was young.

So, for the next few days, my eyes will be wet as I recall that special childhood name that only my family and my husband used.  It reminds me of a special love that you share with those closest to you ….and I know when God speaks to me, he uses it too.

Isaiah 43:1 “I have called you by name…you are mine.”