The Freshness of Senior Years

I had a conversation recently with my cousin who attends an evangelical church in town.  We often talk about our religious beliefs.  I love her dearly and we share easily what is happening in our churches.

A few weeks back she mentioned that one of the seniors in her church had passed away. “And we only had two,” she bemoaned.

Yes, her church is bursting at the seams with younger folk, but there are no older people and she truly felt the loss of the one who had died.

I am glad they have lots of young people.  Anyone who can reach out and touch the hearts of the young and lead them to Jesus needs our applause.  But, we also need churches filled with seniors too… churches that nurture, often take the volunteer role in the community, have time to study scripture and give a solid foundation to the Christian faith.  I think my Presbyterian church does that.  And maybe our role is not to be all things to all people.

Our youth group is small but we have a part-time youth leader that “hangs out” with them once or twice a month, takes them bowling, or to the climbing wall at the college and teaches them about Christian values.  Our Sunday school is small but each child so treasured and loved by our senior congregation…and prayed for too!  Sometimes it takes moving into the grandparent role to appreciate the amazing individuality and miracle of the children in our midst.  Parents are so busy “raising them”…grandparents are here to enjoy them

And through the years I have found that attendance often cycles…ten years of lots of children, ten years of less, then it picks up again. God does provide…with the help of their parents of course.

And a senior church has advantages, too.  We may not take skiing trips together, but we prepare and enjoy wonderful church suppers, our men’s group meets at the A &W and rehashes the recent hockey or football games, while the women meet at the mall and exchange recipes and information on their recent volunteer activities.  We tend to have more time for sincere support for heartache and health problems and we pray for each other.

Yes, some churches can be all things to all people but if yours can’t, look at your strengths, ask for God’s guidance and if you are seniors, don’t bemoan the fact that arthritis is holding you back.  Psalm 92:14, assures us: “They will bear fruit in their old age, they will stay fresh and green.” Great news for those 65 years and over!