Living Grace

Re Solas Not Solos, September

Bill Klempa has the gift of making the Reformation teaching, “solas” understandable. Unfortunately, this glorious truth can degenerate into cheap grace with people wanting a Saviour who forgives sin but not a Risen Christ who tells them how to live. The number one cause of atheism, according to theologian Karl Rahner, is Christians. “Those who proclaim God with their mouths and deny Him with their lifestyles is what an unbelieving world finds simply unbelievable.”
The largest part of the four gospels focuses on the death and resurrection of Jesus, but much of Jesus’ teaching concerned the kind of living following him involved. Paul, who insisted salvation is by faith and grace and not by works, devoted most of his letters to telling people how to live.
Those who claim to be “born again” and who show little concern for justice and peace, who have values similar, or below, people who make no such profession, distort the Christian faith. Christians must show they are redeemed before people will believe in their Redeemer. The best way to communicate salvation by faith is the life of the woman or man with the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, truthfulness, gentleness, self – control. (Galatians 5:22 – 23)
James, in his letter, insisted that “faith without works is dead.” The most effective way to proclaim that the only contribution we make to our salvation is the sin we bring, is not with words, but by the life we live.

About Ken McMillan, Thornhill, Ont.