Thanksgiving Thoughts

I realize that I’m challenging perhaps the most profoundly entrenched societal institution ever faithfully practiced by humanity, but, really, why do so many (fortunate) people every year give thanks to God “for the bounty we are about to receive,” all the while a few billion equally deserving folk around the world do not get to receive such bounty? Instead, they receive excruciating hunger pains and/or disease. Collectively, and sadly, so many people believe that God would bless “us” while neglecting “them.”
I do not at all believe that God does not care about His creation and especially the suffering that infests countless people within; I believe He’s allowing humanity what we so crave, indeed insist upon: free will—choice—as did Adam and Eve (whether literal or metaphorical), who chose to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
I perceive humanity, and our often tragic status, as harvesting the bitter produce of its own collective doing, even though innocent people, especially young children, too often unjustly share in the resultant suffering.

About Frank G. Sterle, Jr., White Rock, B.C.