Baby Steps

Re Beyond Sunday School Faith, and Sola Scriptura, November
Hindus define God only in negative terms: neti, neti, neti. Not this, not that, and so on. Buddha refused to even contemplate the question. We cannot define the indefinable. Tenets, dogmas, theologies and even scriptures are human constructs. Faith is not. This is what Jesus told Nicodemus. These human constructs are only expressions of faith experience. Naturally, they not only differ from person to person and from group to group, but also evolve and must evolve “Beyond Sunday School Faith.” We human beings find security in the known and given. To discover the roots of our being we must venture beyond and take a leap of faith into the unknown and make efforts to “see face to face.” To start with though, we must have the Sunday school faith.

About Clarence McMullen, Richmond Hill, Ont.