Questions about Christ Alone

Re Theology 101, December

I always enjoy the Presbyterian Record; many of the articles are beautifully balanced without compromising the truth. However, I was a little concerned last month when reading the article, “Christ Alone.” I was expecting a strong affirmation of the basis of our faith, but the article left me confused. The article seemed to imply there are multiple ways to fellowship with God. For instance: “…Christ alone should not lead to smugness on our part, as if Christians of a certain sort have exclusive access to the mind of God.”

I completely agree that we shouldn’t be smug or arrogant, rather we should be completely humbled by the fact that Christians have exclusive access to the mind of God. Only Jesus Christ through his incarnation, suffering, death and resurrection has made it possible for us to enter into the holy of holies at any time, at any place and have direct, one to one fellowship with God.

This is the basis of Christianity. “Jesus said … ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me.” (John 14:6).
To entertain other possibilities is not Christianity and most definitely not the reformed faith established by Calvin, Knox, et al.

I’m hoping that I have not misunderstood the article, especially since it was written by the principal of Knox College. If I have misunderstood the article, I sincerely apologize.

In any event, I would encourage us all not to waiver from the foundational truths of Christianity and not be afraid to state these truths as clearly and as uncompromisingly as they are stated in the Bible.

About Kent Corbett, Campbellville, Ont.