Yet More Questions about Christ Alone

Re Theology 101, December

The “Christ Alone” doctrine is the backbone of Christianity and any attempts to expand or alter this is suspect. Jesus said that he was to only way to “come to the Father.” If Christians cave in to arguments from others who have different belief systems in the name of religious plurality that would have us change what we believe, then the truth is not being told. God does not have a “Plan B” as far as we know.
If Rev. Dr. Gordon actually believes that there is another way to have a full relationship with God then I am concerned. She says the “Christ Alone” belief leads to smugness because Christians believe that they are the only ones with access to God. She is confusing “smugness” with confidence in the truth given by the Holy Spirit (the mind of Christ) who resides in all believers.
Non – Christians may have a “relationship” with God but it is temporary and not one which will ultimately be realized and fulfilled. Jesus is at the centre of the one and only lasting relationship with our Creator.