Guildwood, Scarborough, Ont.

In October many of the ladies at Guildwood participated in a program called Pathways of Prayer, spending a day in reflection and discovery with speaker Laura Alary. The women had the opportunity to walk a labyrinth, an experience that touched participant Carole M. Lidgold. She shared her thoughts with the Record:

The paths of the labyrinth are laid out in concentric circles winding over a pre – set pattern. The paths are seen clearly and therefore, easy to walk.
Life is a labyrinth of unseen pathways that are not laid out for the wanderer.
The labyrinth pathways can easily be interrupted when too many circles cause dizziness. Recovered, you can re – travel the labyrinth where you left off.
Life gives no easy measure of being able to quit when the going gets difficult.
At the centre of the labyrinth is quiet and peace.
At the centre of life, sometimes there is peace but not everlasting peace.
From the centre of the labyrinth steps must follow the same circuitous pattern out.
Life allows no return to the past, refusing us to take the same path backwards.
The centre of the labyrinth is nothing but the centre.
The pathways of life lead somewhere, to a purpose or fulfillment of destiny.
Yet the labyrinth teaches us a great lesson that there is time to step off the hectic pace of life and reflect on where we’ve been and where we are going. Has our life been one of circles or a straighter pathway? Do we want to start over and return to the past or put the past behind us? Only we can decide and follow the circles of life or straighten our pathways on a clearer journey to the end!