The Lightness of Forgiveness

I’ve lost my stress list…you know that one that tells you how many points you get for each degree of stress.

But I knew I was well over the top…my computer had crashed, my TV receiver was not receiving and in making a point, with a friend, I had been a bit harsh and undiplomatic.

To add to all this, our Indian summer had disappeared overnight and it was snowing.

I was not my usual bubbly self at the mall coffee that morning.  For that matter I wasn’t even on simmer…I was barely tepid.

How I regretted my quick, unthinking words to my friend.

God and I talked about it the night before, (I talked, He listened) but finally my conscience could not keep me awake any longer and I drifted off into a restless sleep.

With a heavy heart I hauled myself out of bed.  I seldom miss my Monday morning mall coffee with my friends, and I headed out there.

To punish myself and ease my guilty conscience, I did not use my “handicapped” tag and parked instead ten cars away from the mall mntrance.  My hip discomfort would remind me what a rotten person I was.

I also decided to take my morning coffee without sugar. Yuk!  No way… you can carry remorse just so far.

I joined in some of the conversation then looked up.  The object of my remorse was three shops down the mall.

“Be right back,” I advised, and headed towards her.

“I need a hug!” I sorrowfully requested. “I am so sorry about what I said. You know I didn’t mean to hurt you.”  Tears were glistening in my eyes.

What a warm hug I got back and lots of “Not to worry, I never gave it another thought.”

Sniffling, I let her go and with a wave headed back to my friends.

It was then I realized that my feet were not touching the floor.  The guilt that had smothered me was gone.  I felt weightless.  I was the most extraordinary feeling.

I wondered how many times in the past I had packed guilt around, dragging it behind me when a small chat with God about forgiveness would have made my load so much lighter.

No doubt my future includes a few more “faux pas” but it’s good to know that God will accept my remorse, give me a hug and visit on me again the lightness of forgiveness.