
Re People and Places, January

I was intrigued to see the photo on page 46 of the sign at the church in St. George, N.B., for The Presbyterian Kirk. Many years ago when involved in a NATO exercise and taking Naval Reserve training in St. John’s, Nfld., I resolved on a Sunday to attend Rev. Ian Wishart’s worship service, as he is an old friend and relative. A local in the officer’s mess offered to drive me into town that morning from the barracks, although he didn’t know of the church. He figured we’d find it—St. John’s isn’t that big. After wandering about a bit, I suddenly saw the sign: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (The Kirk) and said to my driver, “There it is!” 
“Oh,” he said, “The Kirk. Why didn’t you say so? I know that one!” Old customs die hard with Presbyterians! Apparently no one called it St. Andrew’s.