Seasons of our Life

I listen to the voice on the other end of the phone.  It is news I have been expecting but it is still a shock.

A good friend has died. He had been my husband’s best friend.  Many memories of my husband died with him…memories of golf games, fishing and hockey games that they had watched together.  They had had some fun times .

But I feel the loss…it is like a part of my husband died all over again.

And so it is the end of an era.  They’d been in their 30’s when they met and our town was much smaller then…but they had vision.  They were not exactly the “pioneers” of the land like those who arrived here in the 30’s, but they were the pioneers of the 60’s.

I often wonder if those thousands of new people in town realize the sacrifice of time and effort these fellows had put in and how far out on a limb they went with new businesses to establish, additions to the church and supporting new non-profits.   But it was an adventure and those “boys” had adventuresome spirits.

As wives we were the cheering section, pinching pennies, raising the kids and having the times of our lives.  Recently when I asked my Bible study group what their greatest blessing was one replied “living in these times.” How happy I was to have lived in those times.

And as scripture says, “There is a season for everything” and that was our season for growth and God was right there with us.  We stayed fairly healthy, our families grew up and we retired in our small town where we felt we truly belonged.

Now with my husband and his friend gone, I realize that I too am in a special season of my life.  God is still watching over me.  I am not sure what tomorrow will bring but He hasn’t disappointed me yet!