Cancellation of Subscription

Approximately 1.5 years ago a lady in our church approached me about encouraging members of our church to subscribe to the Record under the Every Home Plan. After about six weeks we managed to solicit about 37 (we have a small congregation) new subscribers. After one year when it came time for renewal we once again approached all the initial subscribers individually. We were aghast that almost half of them refused to renew. The most common reason given was they had no time to read the magazine. You and I both know that if we wish to do something badly enough we will find time to do it. One gentleman frankly admitted that he felt the magazine was over his head. Perhaps his was the most honest reason given? I renewed my subscription because I felt I had an obligation to do so as I was soliciting others to renew. Since then I have found that I was only reading a few articles in each issue. I thought I should make a concerted effort to read more of the magazine, so for a couple of issues I read every article, some even twice. After reading each article I asked myself what I got out of it and if I even understood it. The answers were not much and no.

Regretfully I have come to the conclusion that the magazine is intended for an intellectually superior group of people and I am not among them. I am not one of your target audience. There seems no good reason to continue receiving a magazine that holds little interest for me and I don’t understand.

Therefore please terminate my subscription and remove my name from your mailing list. You do not have to remit any unused balance in my account.

PS You may wish to share this with the editor.