My Bible’s in the Prius


The Sacred Sandwich is a Christian satire blog that seeks to present a healthy diet of “spiritual food.” Through comedy and laughter, it helps readers to measure popular Christianity against the teaching of scriptures and draw people back to the Bible. Creator Chris Carmichael and associates do this by highlighting contemporary Christian issues, authors and comics. My favorite one is “Dang it, I grabbed my Bhagavad Gita by mistake. The Message Bible is still in the Prius next to my yoga mat.” Pure gold!

Christian Dubstep

In terms of modern music, the progression went: blues, jazz, R&B, country, rock, disco, pop, punk, metal, goth, emo and on and on into a million different branches and subgenres. Like the late, great Larry Norman sang, “Why should the Devil have all the good music?” And so, every time a new genre of music pops up, you will find Christians attempting to claim it for God. Today the fastest growing and arguably the most influential subgenre of music is called dubstep. Never heard of it? Well that’s understandable. Dubstep has only been in the mainstream of music for about five years now. It’s a subgenre of European electronica/dance. It is dense music with huge swings in octave, lots of bass and extremely complicated sound looping. An average song will have about 150 different beats per minute. When done well it is quite interesting. When done poorly it sounds a lot like it does when you accidentally call a fax machine.

Like and Avalanche (Devoshun’s dubstep remix)

Lecrae Jesus Muzik (dubstep remix by Karac).

For Teens and Small Groups

As the story goes, John Acuff, author of Stuff Christians Like, was listening to his favorite secular rap and R&B station, where everyday at 6:30 a.m. the station devotes a segment called the Inspirational Vitamin to gospel music, sermons or any number of other overtly Christian materials. Acuff noted that they will play “I’m ‘n Luv Wit’ a Stripper” at 6:25, play a sermon at 6:30 and then close with Lil’ Wayne’s “Lollipop.” He writes, “They essentially bookend the Inspiration Vitamin with booty, following a fairly simple formula: Booty, God, Booty.” John sees this as a kind of microcosm of a Christian life; he thinks Christians tend to compartmentalize their faith into little segments throughout the day sandwiched by all things secular. In his usual comedic fashion he’s made a four – part teen or small group series of videos looking into scripture and daily life. The videos are free for use, they’re good and they’re pretty entertaining, too.
Search for Booty God Booty