‘Green and Just’ Webinar to Foster Debate on Environmental Issues

A May 12 webinar hopes to bring together hundreds of people from around the world to share ideas on issues including climate change, sustainable development, eco-justice and theology.

Sponsored by the Lutheran World Federation, the seven-hour virtual conference called “Green and Just” will offer keynote speakers, webinars, chat rooms, Bible study and more, according to the event website.

Keynote speakers will be LWF General Secretary Martin Junge, and Kumi Naidoo, the executive director of Greenpeace.

Webinars throughout the day will be offered on subjects such as adapting to climate change, the growing emergence of climate refugees, environmental management in church congregations, how climate change can affect the spread of disease, resources for youth programs and the theology of creation.

Other webinars will focus on specific areas of the world, including small holder farmers and the ecological crisis in Brazil, the effects of palm oil harvesting in Indonesia, oil drilling in the Yasuni national park in Ecuador, and a preview of the U. N. Conference on Sustainable Development next month in Rio de Janeiro.

Most of the webinars will be conducted in English, with a few in German and Spanish. All of the keynote addresses will be available in English, German, Spanish and French.

The virtual conference is free and will run from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. GMT. Organizers are expecting between 400 and 600 participants, the website says.

Participants should register before May 11. The online form, along with schedules, information about webinars and their leaders, and speakers can be found atĀ blogs.lutheranworld.org/wordpress/greenandjust.