It’s Okay to Grow Older

My four year old great nephew was an avid Star Wars fan and loved acting out the parts.  On a visit to his home, he gave us all specific roles to play.  When he came to me he took one look at my white hair and pronounced…”It’s too late for you Auntie Pat.”

Wow ! That’s a humbling observation from a young person…but he was right.  There are some things in life that I’ve missed and it is too late now…too late to learn to ice skate, too late to learn to play the piano (and no place to put one in the condo anyway) and the list goes on and on.

I have given up night driving and choir.  The choir bit really hurt but now if I know the anthem I just sing along in my head and that’s okay.  And instead of rushing downstairs each Sunday morning to practice, I visit with the congregation and then sit and listen to the beautiful musical renditions our organist plays.  It’s satisfying.

Yes, I miss the activities that filled my weeks and months but there is now more time for prayers, phone calls and finding God in a morning sunrise or in the call of the Canada geese as they head south.

Our “before service prayer group” usually is just women but recently a man joined us.  His deeper voice added a different dimension to our corporate “amen.”  Life can change and still remain full or sometimes even fuller.  Who would have thought adding a vegetable to a cake would turn out to be the success carrot cake is?

Living is often an uphill adventure and for years I loved the challenge but it is okay to say “no” when your “get up and go” has gone.  It is said God loves you because of who God is not because of something you did or didn’t do.

We can sometimes become overwhelmed with the trials and tribulations in this world and feel so helpless. But we got through the Second World War, the Cold War and the Korean War.  God has never forsaken us and he will not forsake future generations.

Just pray and keep the faith. Do your best and leave the rest.  It is still God’s world.