Laughing Out Loud

My late husband was perhaps best known for his enthusiasm and sense of humor.  I knew he had a serious side but my friends had sat with him during hockey and football games.  They knew he was a noisy spectator and fun to be with.

Recently an advertisement on TV for an upcoming program showed a couple watching sports on TV.  When he hollered at a play she admonished him…”It is so loud!”  He replied “It is sports, it’s supposed to be loud!”

Scripture says “For everything there is a season”…or you might say “a time”…even a time for yelling at sports.

Children know there is a time for things…a time for giggling, a time for screaming ,a time for laughing and a time for crying .   Although their timing is not always appropriate, they know there is an emotional response to an encounter…and they express it.

Maybe as adults we miss that experience.  We have become so staid in our responses. I noticed at church yesterday that when we sang the line “raising our hands in devotion to Him”, only two in the choir and one on my side of the church, did exactly that.  Yes, we are the “Frozen Chosen.”

Maybe we need to become more child-like in our response to our feelings about those we love and about God.

I used to “shush” my husband when he yelled excitedly at hockey games. (I could almost feel the walls bulge and the roof raise. ) I just didn’t understand it was okay.  It was the time for hollering.

Sometimes we need to yell for the Lord too!  Us, ever- so -private Presbyterians need to  be more public with our enthusiasm for Christ and praise the Lord with heart and voice.