Connections at G.A.

General Assembly is a great place to meet up with people in our church we have come to know over our lifetime. I was so happy last night and again this morning to see people I have come to know from across our denomination over the years. Some of them I have met as I grew up in Pictou County, Nova Scotia, long before I studied at Knox College and became a minister of our church. Some I call dear friends I connected with at Knox College while others I have been blessed to get to know through my ministry.

It will be an exciting week to see the many parts of my church life intersect. I look forward to connecting again with the candidates I got to know as a counsellor at Guidance Conference last year, one of which is leading us in worship and the other who is a representative for one of our theological colleges. I anticipate wonderful conversations with fellow Knox College classmates but also with one of my dear friends from Knox College whose daughter is a Young Adult Representative this year at Assembly. I am excited to spend time with the ministers who helped me discern my own call to be a minister in God’s Church but also who encouraged me not to be afraid to go on the edge with God beside me.

I am pleased to be here at Assembly with an elder from my congregation in Toronto and see how we together will view the Assembly experience. I also expect to get to know my fellow commissioners better some of who were strangers to me yesterday. I am pleased to get to know my roommate better who I met at my last Assembly in Ottawa.

I expect that all these connections will help to make my time here at General Assembly one of blessing and learning. I look forward to the Spirit of God leading us all to the edge!