Tuesday Moments!

Tuesday morning my brother in Christ, the Rev. Dr. Paul McLean was recognized for his team’s work in translating the Bible into Hakka. For those of you who do not know of this great accomplishment, I invite you to learn more about the project. The Rev. Dr. Paul McLean is one of our Church’s missionaries who has been working in connection with the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan over many years to make this dream become a reality.

Paul’s dedication to the translation of the Bible into Hakka has been a lifelong commitment. The value of teamwork was emphasized in the production of the Hakka Bible. Through our givings to Presbyterians Sharing, Christians can now read their Bible in their native language.

Presbyterians Sharing and International Ministries are to be commended for helping to create ministries that touch people deeply. This example is just one of many that we as a denomination we can celebrate. As we ended the time celebrating this accomplishment, we sang together in Hakka: “To believe and trust in you”. My friends that should be our theme song as we walk together to share the good news of Jesus Christ each and every day.

Yesterday, the Young Adult Representatives became more known to us on the Assembly floor. The YARS as they are affectionately known have been seen a lot here at Assembly but it was yesterday that they first led us with their advisory votes. As they raised their green cards, they indicated not only their faith in God but also their dedication to the future of our church. They reminded us that we must take responsibility for the world in which we live by considering issues such as climate change and the rejection of Christian Zionism. The YARS bring much life to the Assembly and make me proud. I wish though their vote was not just advisory but that it could count right along with our commissioner votes.

As our Moderator reminded us yesterday the YARS gathered here and all young people are the church of today not of the future. As a minister for children and youth, I admit I am biased to that view. But as I have witnessed the YARS and their presence at the Assembly, I am excited for all they have to offer us in our church and to the greater Body of Christ. I look forward to watching the YARS leading us in more advisory votes in the next two days but more particularly I look forward to being in the Presbyterian Church in Canada with them today and in the future. They will not be afraid to take us to the edge!