My Week as a YAR

To start with, the idea of spending five and a half hours in sederunts on my birthday was not my first choice for how to spend my day. That being said, I am immensely glad that I have had the opportunity to be a Young Adult Representative and to represent my presbytery in this 138th General Assembly.

It has been great to get to know other young adults from across the country. Personally, I have been encouraged to see that we are in similar situations and it is helpful to have people to talk to about our struggles and hopes for the church. I now also have eleven new places (and people) to visit across Canada!

Among other things, I have appreciated being able to give an advisory vote on issues that I feel strongly about. The support of commissioners and others in attendance has been overwhelming and I have been glad to receive it. I have also enjoyed hearing from ecumenical and international visitors and to see how our church is involved in many different areas around the world.

I can honestly say that I have learned so much more this week than I would ever have imagined. Learning about how our church works can only be a benefit for being the present and the future of our denomination.