Always Learning

Today I pressed a button on my CD player which I had never pressed before … surprise, my CD keeps playing over and over.

Recently I mastered my TV’s “record” and “fast forward” (who said you can’t teach an old dog, new tricks?) And my computer is a fascinating box of mysteries yet to unfold.

Fear of messing things up has kept me from trying out these new things and I am a bit ashamed, especially when I recall the girl who at 18 took a train across Canada, who at 22 walked onto a ship (a very old ship) with her young husband and tiny baby and sailed to France.

I can’t believe how cautious I have become.     And yet in my own way I’ve been strong enough…widowhood is no picnic in the park but I’ve survived, with God’s grace.

But has my timidity held me back the last few years? Perhaps, for there is so much for seniors to learn in this ever so fast moving world.

My grand-daughter arrives for a visit.  She shows me how to back-up my computer files.  I, in turn, show her how to sew on a button.  I guess we can learn from each other.

Recently we had a “quality” hour together.  I shared how much she meant to me.  Grandmas have so much more freedom to express themselves than mothers.  She listens and actually feels our time together is precious and not unending.  She counts my years with respect.

So, I said to her, “Andrea, there will be some times in your life that things won’t work out right.  I won’t be here to listen, advise or help…but God will always be there.  Cling to your faith…it will support you and carry you through.”

She cried and I cried but I feel better knowing I’d planted some small seeds of hope.  Life is not always full of laughter…but it can be full of hope.

God has placed us in families to learn from each other and to reflect the deep love He has for each one of us.