Deconstructing the Foundation

Re A Dialogue of Love, May

Thank you for this needed and courageous editorial. The Presbyterian Church in Canada needs to have this conversation.

Belief, faith and truth are central terms but is our understanding of them sufficient to drive a faithful outcome, a way of life that differs from our normal human nature? (“We express our love for God by our love and practical care for each other and for those we live with and encounter in our daily lives,” declares the Church of Scotland.)

Our understanding of faith and truth should not be reduced to mental assent to some creedal, doctrinal prescription. The outcome of this is legalism and a silencing of needed discussion.

Preaching should help people interpret and apply the Bible’s teaching to modern everyday life. Doctrinal harangues will not reach today’s people. The demographics of many Presbyterian Churches in Canada indicate that we have not been communicating with the last three generations. We have deconstructed the foundation and inevitable collapse is in the near future. It is easy to point to secular society on the outside as the cause. However, the institutional baggage of the Church is perhaps a greater factor.

About Andrew Mitchell, online comment