The World is Watching

Re A Kairos Moment, June (Web)

It gives me enormous hope that, after hearing/reading Nora Carmi’s talk, the Presbyterians will stand STRONG in their resolve to divest from the companies they have identified that profit from the occupation of Palestine. The intimidating letter from the Jewish Council of Public Affairs that has just gone out to conferees is an insult to both Jews and Christians. Boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) are, in fact, a strong way of “loving your enemies.” It humanizes them. So, PRESBYTERIANS, you are leading the way for other churches to follow. The Episcopalians are not far behind. Please have deep faith and courage to do what you know MUST be done. The resolution you have diligently crafted must pass at your convention. The whole world is waiting to hear that you have made it happen. May God give you strength of purpose.

About Huda Giddens, online comment