Hope in the Face of Family Trauma

Re ‘Unfit Mother’ Speaks Up, June

I love that the PCC is working to acknowledge and reconcile so many of these painful experiences.

As a single mother, member of Knox Presbyterian in Toronto, and returning seminarian at Knox College, it is one of my greatest hopes that we as a church can begin developing a system/process to provide (most importantly) spiritual and congregational support to all families who are experiencing family trauma; and, also to develop tangible programs which will help them process their guilt and grief –and assist them in dealing with the dark corridors of the family legal courts.

We are called to walk with widows and orphans. And, in our society, most of these ones are those who have experienced the horrific devastation of family brokenness. I would love to be a part of building a resource/support network for the mothers (and fathers) who struggle to raise their children in our faith, while dealing with the soul-stealing personal, financial, legal catastrophes caused by the breakdown of our families.

About Kandace Keithley, online comment