We Need to Repent

Teen Rebecca Black’s YouTube sensation “Friday” had 167 million hits and was widely dubbed “the worst song ever made.” It contains such clever lyrics as “Yesterday was Thursday. Today is Friday. We-we-we so excited.” And “Tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards.” So it was only a matter of time before some church thought it could be “relevant” by creating its own knock-off version of the song. So if like everyone else you thought Friday was the worst song to ever exist, get ready for “Sunday.”

ChurchGurl apparel is an interesting little company created by a Christian singer and former backup vocalist for early 90s rapper MC Hammer. On the website, founder Michelle Peters writes, “I am a firm believer that it is imperative for ChurchGurls to be sassy, savvy and saved.” In addition to her music career and clothing line, Peters is also the music director at Victory Baptist in Oakland, California. The clothes are simple; each shirt comes with ChurchGurl printed on it. Strangely, you can also buy a belly shirt and undies. Hey I’m not judging … Christians need underpants too. WWJD shirts sold … why not ChurchGurl?

Food For Life has a goal to sell healthy, natural food to consumers, inspired by the scriptures. They make pasta, breads of all kinds (including yeast free and gluten free) and even a new selection of “vegan meats” like Cluckphrey. Products are stamped with Ezekiel 4:9 which reads “Take also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and spelt, and put them in one vessel, and make bread of it.”

Brian “Head” Welch is co-founder of the infamously hard nu-Metal pioneer band Korn. He is an accomplished musician and was even ranked #26 on Guitar World’s list of metal guitarists. Like him or hate him, Head has a very unique sound. That’s exactly what I expect from his new solo album being released later this year. And if his teaser song “Chemicals” (released last month) is any indication it’s going to be pretty good. But why the solo career when Korn rakes in the big bucks? Well … fed up with drugs and alcohol and determined to raise his daughter in a drug-free environment Brian, desperate and suicidal, turned to Christ instead. After becoming a Christian, Brain left Korn, got clean, wrote a book and went out on his own.

Book: Search Amazon.com for “Save Me from Myself”

The Lord’s Supper?
In the past few years some new ‘versions’ of the Eucharist have been popping up. First there was the U2carist where the entire liturgy of the Eucharist revolved around songs by the band U2. Later there was the very odd Pirate-Eucharist. And now … it’s Dr. Seuss’ turn! You heard right! Seusscharist is the official Eucharist celebration for Episcopal churches in the United States transposed into “Seuss Speak.” The service was developed in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Here’s a little piece taken from the Confession portion:
“God, we have wronged you
And we need to say boo-hoo
For the things we did and didn’t do
We are not content, we want to repent
One hundred per cent.”


About Brad Childs

Rev. Brad Childs is minister at First, Regina.