Malawi Reflections

Young people from Blantyre Synod in Malawi visited Canada and participated in the conference. Here’s what some of them said about their experiences:

Priscilla Mlewa: Malopa Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Church in Livilidzi presbytery says:
I would like to thank the Presbyterian Church in Canada and the Synod of Blantyre for the chance to go to Canada and attend the Canada Youth 2012 Conference.

I was in the mission track. We went to several different communities to do work that was helpful to people in the area. It was a good conference.

Worship helped me most. During worship, most people participated. The songs that were sung made it good and every night the recreation was nice.

Lastly, there are many things which I learned at CY and most of them I will implement at our youth gatherings.

Trinity Mbalame: St. Andrews CCAP in Chikhwawa Presbytery says:
The first thing I experienced was the full participation of ministers. I didn’t know that a lot of ministers would humble themselves by participating in some of the activities that were being done during the conference. In this way I learned the spirit of humbleness when dedicating to God.

Apart from that, I experienced the goodness of doing group work. Being one member of the youth mission track during the conference, I noticed that working as a group minimizes the spirit of laziness and it also reduces the spirit of fear.

Finally, I learnt the goodness of time management. I have noticed that when you are following the program, you end up finishing all the activities on time.

Indeed, I have enjoyed the conference.

Violet Robert: Naming’adzi CCAP in Chiuta Presbytery says:
At Canada Youth, we had a good time of worship and time of going to the “fire pit” [an outdoor stage] where some activities took place.

On top of that we had some days of going out to the communities where there were projects called “Start me up,” “New Niagara” and Crieff Hills. Projects are done by people voluntarily in order to serve lives of other people especially elderly people, people with disabilities and other groups of people. We helped by doing some gardening jobs.

Victor Mponda: Chinamwali CCAP in Zomba City Presbytery says:
First of all, I thank God for giving me the chance and grace to come to Canada. I also thank everyone who took part in organizing and planning, and those people who hosted us in their churches and families. My trip to Canada, especially at CY, was experiential in my life because it helped change my perception on many things. During CY I was in mission track and some of the lessons I received which will always affect change wherever I go are the following:

I learned of some important principles of partnership such as: shared grace and thanksgiving, mutuality and interdependence, recognition and respect, and many others that enhance the continuity of relationship. I did not only have a theoretical understanding of these principles but I also had to practice them as we were working at Project Share (Niagara) and Crieff Hills.

Another important point that I learned is that mission work can be done by everyone anywhere the person is. At first I thought that mission work is done by ministers only and the mission work is only done in a country you have never been before. But at CY my eyes were opened and I understood that mission work can be done even in your own community and can be done by everyone. The mission work aims at developing people from where they are physically and spiritually.

Another amazing time that left a memorable mark in my life is worship. To me worship time was a life changing and transforming time. The songs that were sung, the stories shared and the ceremonies delivered encouraged me, changed me, anointed me and filled me with the presence of God. I will always thank God for giving me this chance of coming to Canada to experience physical and spiritual transformation.

Madalitso Pangani: St. Andrews CCAP in Chikhwawa Presbytery says:
Canada Youth 2012 is an historical thing in my life.

Firstly, I want to talk about worship. I enjoyed each and every activity which took place in worship. Preaching was so moving and some of the songs which were sung I will teach my friends in Malawi.

Secondly is recreation, in which I learned that it was a place where Christians could show their talent given to them by God. Most Christians were interacting with each other and sharing their experiences from their churches. With God’s help I will teach my fellow youth here in Malawi. I liked it.

Work is the third thing which impressed me very much. We were working as a group and were able to do most of the work as a group in a short time and finished the tasks. I saw that indeed united we stand. When we went and worked in Crieff Hills, we transferred the big and heavy wooden cross from one place to another.
The work sites are the last thing. These were appropriate sites for us to work. I think the staff of these sites will be encouraged in their Christianity, just because of our assistance. I think some of the staff could join Presbyterian churches in Canada due to motivation from those sites. I will encourage my fellow youths to do so as part of motivation.

I really enjoyed it and it is my prayer that it should continue.

Dennis Mulele: synod youth director, Blantyre Synod says:
Transformation of life or ideas does not only take place when one is in a classroom under a professor or a doctor whose reputation is quite considerable. The experiences that I have acquired from July 3-8 were of the kind that completely changed my life and knowledge on some youth concepts.

The youth ministry training track I was attending has helped me understand how different youth programs can be categorized in order to bring back the youth in the church, motivate them and have sound leadership skills.

The worship in the Thistle complex cannot be missed. All the sermons that were delivered, the way they were articulated, helped me to see my life and those of the youth with positive glasses.

The idea of dividing the youths into different training tracks has left me still admiring CY. How I wish to get trained in this youth management. The games that were played and the recreation at the fire pit every morning also helped me realize that spiritual life also needs spiritual exercises.

Learning together with youth leaders of different cultural and traditional backgrounds like the Taiwanese and Canadians showed to me that indeed we are one in Christ.

I wish I could come back for the 2015 CY. My experiences will last for ages and will be retold to many youths of my church. May God bless 2012 Canada Youth conference organizers and the PCC leadership.

More reflections from Canada Youth 2012