Experiencing God Together at CY2012

e are in the Sean O’Sullivan Theatre at Brock University and there is an awesome excitement in the room. Five hundred youth from all over Canada, along with visiting youth from Malawi and Taiwan, are anxiously awaiting the beginning of the next event. A countdown comes up on the screen and there is a great cheer… Almost there. Finally, the last minute and then the last 10 seconds are counted down. The theatre explodes with cheers and clapping! Worship has begun!

To me, it is astounding that so many youth are anxiously awaiting the beginning of worship with the level of anticipation they would normally reserve for their favourite band. How awesome is that! Coming from a small church, the experience of worshiping with 500 people was wonderful. The fact that most of them were youth was absolutely amazing. Across Canada there are so many young people who belong to small youth groups or to churches with no youth groups at all. They can feel isolated or disconnected from their church. What is so special about Canada Youth is that it creates a space where many youth can come together and celebrate their faith. No wonder they are so excited about worshipping together.

The theme of the conference was On Fire. It is based on a quote from the disciples on the road to Emmaus: “Didn’t we feel on fire as Jesus conversed with us!” (Luke 24:32) Within this theme, each day also had its own message. In the conference track, it was a privilege to listen to Adele Halliday as she related her message using stories, dramatic presentations, movie clips and her own personal experiences. She passionately delivered a strong and memorable message to her audience. Following our plenary session, we would meet in small groups to discuss the message and the related Bible stories in more detail.

Worship was a daily event featuring a different minister each day, wonderful music led by Rev. Hugh Donnelly and a variety of other artistic elements. It was awesome! There was a unique inspirational message that fit with the theme for the day. It was incredible to see 500 people passing the Peace of Christ or celebrating Communion together. The songs that Rev. Donnelly chose filled our plenary sessions, our daily worship and played in our heads as we returned home. He is truly gifted and passionate about his music.

We were told that Canada Youth 2012 is the largest gathering of Presbyterians in Canada this year. It was a privilege to be a part of it. I am excited to see that there were so many youth in attendance. I thank God for the support that they have received from their families and congregations. I am also thankful for everyone who planned and supported this conference. A youth conference is not only an investment in the future of young Presbyterians; it is an investment in our future as well.

More reflections from Canada Youth 2012

About Nancy Law

Nancy is a youth group leader at Dixie, Mississauga, Ont. This is the first time that she has been to the Canada Youth conference. She served as an adult advisor at CY2012 with the conference track