How One Week Changed my Life

I started off my week at Canada Youth 2012 with a question in my head: “What on earth do I want to do with my life?” Well, God had the answers for me.

This was my second time in the mission track and third time at CY. When I took part in the 2009 mission track I had just turned 18, had a set goal in my mind and didn’t think that anything could bring me down. Boy, was I wrong. After struggles with school, life and depression I came back to Canada Youth 2012 ready to start anew. I had waited three years for this and I knew it wouldn’t disappoint.

Our first full day included me and half the track going to Project Share in Niagara Falls. Our main task was to sort through two giant bins of donated food. We also put together snack and toiletry bags for the “grocery store” food bank. The next day was full of gardening and it was a wonderful way to spend my 21st birthday. Half of us were at Start Me Up Niagara to work in their community garden; our main task was weeding row upon row of corn—and I’m talking giant weeds that were taller than the corn.

Normally when people think about mission, they think of big projects. But we were told about how small things can have a big impact. We didn’t know it at the time, but pulling all those weeds out was a big project to the people at Start Me Up. They didn’t normally have the people power that came from 15 youth. That night we were told by our leaders that had we not done that project (which seemed small to us) then the whole crop of corn could’ve been lost. It was the last thing on their list, and then there would be less food on the tables of those they feed.

Going to bed that night I had no idea how much my life was about to change.

Friday was our Sabbath, the day of rest, and I took full advantage of the sleep in. Then I went exploring the campus. We heard from Presbyterian World Service and Development and Justice Ministries that day. They started to get me thinking that, “hmm, maybe I can go and help somewhere eventually.”

Worship that night was the real “kicker” for me though. The sermon was being given by Rev. Linda Parks from Lindsay, Ont., and her message was quite simple. God loves you. He loves you no matter what stupid things you may have done. That’s when it really clicked for me. I can still go and be whoever I want to be or do whatever I want to do! Then they read Isaiah 6:8: “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? ”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” This passage has always stuck with me from years of songs at summer camp. And now I say it to God: “Here I am. Send me!” Now I kind of know what I want to do with my life. I want to go out in the world and help people. I’m planning to go to Malawi next year on a Youth in Mission trip to visit and serve with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I’m going to go back to school to study social work and see just where God takes me. Had I not come to Canada Youth 2012 this year, I would still be sitting at home with that same question in my brain. I’m so thankful for everyone I met, and I thank God each and every day for the path he has shown me.

More reflections from Canada Youth 2012

About Kaitlyn Lamont

Kaitlyn Lamont, 21, is from Ottawa. She’s been to CY three times and you could probably say she’s an addict!