A Birthday Cake for my Dad

Every year, my dad has Blitzen Cake for his birthday. It’s always the mark of the summer’s end. Dad’s birthday, Labour day, and back to school. My dad is a twin, and Blitzen Cake is what his mother used to make every year. And with no need to perfect perfection, it’s what we always ate on September 3rd. Maybe it’s a bit old fashioned now, but I think that’s a good thing. Nice and retro. I can wear a fancy apron while I bake. Apparently, Blitzen Cake was all the rage in Depression era Ontario. My granny told a story about a hobo who knocked on the door one day. He was invited into the kitchen and offered a meal. Dessert time rolled around and out came the glorious Blitzen Cake. His reposnse? “Don’t give me any of that stuff! That’s all I’m ever given around here.”

Lucky hobo.

Well, this one is for Dad and Uncle Bob celebrating 75 this year, and it’s for Jen’s just announced twins-to-be, too. They will be arriving this winter. It’s good to have reasons to celebrate.

Here’s the recipe. I made it yesterday. If you like, you can make one, too.

Cake Ingredients : 1/2 cup butter
           3/4 cup sifted icing sugar
           4 egg yolks, well beaten
           1 cup sifted all-purpose flour
           1 tsp. baking powder
           1/4 tsp. salt
           3 Tbsps milk
           1/2 tsp. vanilla or almond
Meringue :
           4 egg whites
           1/2 cup sugar
          1/2 cup icing sugar
          1/2 cup coconut, to scatter on top
Heat oven to 325 degs.F. and butter and line 8 inch cake pan x2. Cream well butter and icing sugar. Beat in egg yolks.
Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Stir into creamed mixture.
Stir in milk and vanilla and spread in 2 prepared cake pans.
Beat egg whites until frothy. Beat in 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup icing sugar
gradually, beating well after each addition. Beat until stiff and glossy.
Spread half on batter in each pan. Sprinkle meringue with coconut.
Bake 35 to 40 mins. until cake tests done and meringue is lightly browned. Cool. Remove from pans.
Clean up that messy table – then make your custard.
Rich Custard Filling :  2 egg yolks
                                            4 Tbsps.white sugar
                                            1 cup milk
                                            2 tsps. cornstarch
                                            1 tsp. vanilla  [ to be added AFTER cooling ]
Beat all until smooth. Warm and simmer until thick.
Cool. Add flavouring.
Place one layer of cake on plate, meringue side down. Spread with custard filling. Set other layer on top, meringue side up.
One double meringued coconut custard messy and gorgeous birthday cake. Just what September ordered. Happy Birthday, Dad!
…and as cupcakes.
 My sister makes this recipe up as cupcakes, saying that one is a perfect single portion. (Really?) It will make 18 cupcakes and they bake in 22 minutes. She recommends serving each in a puddle of custard, which sounds lovely, doesn’t it? I could eat several.