Loving Libraries and the Lord

Today I introduced some friends to our new library. It’s a long way from the very first library I visited, with its oiled floor and single bulbs hanging on a long strings from the ceiling. I have a deep love for books and the library is one of my favourite places. We have a brand new one in town and it boasts a fireplace, piano, and easy chairs along with all those wonderful books just sitting there ready to be devoured, like chocolates in a box. The second floor is the children’s area – books, toys, even computers at tiny tables.

It was exciting to see the delight on these ladies faces as they realized it was a perfect place to visit with their great grandchildren. I was like a child with a new toy, showing them all the working parts of this beautiful building. I can hardly keep up with all the changes in this wonderful world and although my daughter and granddaughter both own and use these newfangled electronic books, I take great delight in paper pages slipping through my fingers. These senior ladies are part of my Bible study class and I feel much the same delight as I fill up my 25 cup coffee pot and wait for them to arrive.  Soon they are sitting mesmerized by the words of one of Max Lucado’s stories. I love reading these stories and sharing the questions at the back of the book. And they must love coming to hear them as they arrive faithfully ever Friday morning.

The library is stuffed with stories but my friends’ lives are filled with faith stories and experiences that would fill many a library. As the years go by I am more amazed at the challenges they have met, the disasters they have experienced and the joys that have enriched their lives. They are wise and I learn so much from them. Like books, they are a source of wisdom.

Last week I asked them “What is sin?”  Lots of explanations surfaced but one usually quiet participant said, “Sin hurts.”  Wow! Two words that say so much. It is joyful to share what we love and it was a joy to share all the aspects of our new library, but a greater joy is sharing my faith with these friends who I truly cherish.