The Working Girl’s Frying Pan Cookies

Margaret Millar, chief elder at Wychwood, Toronto, has as much tea room and bake sale experience as anyone around. As a child, she attended Wychwood; when her family moved, she became a member of Davenport. After these churches amalgamated in 1972, Margaret found herself back at Wychwood where her signature raspberry coconut squares and frying pan cookies have appeared at a host of Christmas bazaars and church tea rooms.

As a young woman, Margaret started working in the engineering department at Hamilton Gear and Machine on Dupont Street. She stayed there for 40 years. Frying pan cookies came into Margaret’s life in 1960, when she signed up for a night course offering cooking and entertaining tips for business people. These gooey treats became a favourite and have stuck by Margaret for decades.

Working Girl’s Frying Pan Cookies (makes 30)

2 well-beaten eggs
1 cup brown sugar
1½ cups chopped dates
1 tsp vanilla
¼ tsp. salt
½ cup chopped walnuts
½ cup chopped red cherries (glaced)
1½ cups rice krispies
⅔ cup shredded coconut

Beat the sugar and eggs together. Add the chopped dates. Place the mixture in a slightly greased heavy frying pan. Cook for 10-12 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Add salt, vanilla, nuts, cherries and rice krispies. Mix thoroughly. Cool the mixture until lukewarm, roll into balls and then roll in the coconut.

About Donna Jean MacKinnon

Donna Jean MacKinnon is a freelance writer. She lives in Toronto.Share your own recipes and memories through our interactive blog.