Granny’s Tea Biscuits

Take me back 30 years in time and one of my favourite memories would be in the home of my mother-in law on a Sunday, at noon, after church. The entire family sat around the dining room table patiently waiting for the platter to arrive. On that platter was the most delicious corned beef with boiled potatoes, carrots and cabbage wedges. To accompany this glorious meal was homemade tea biscuits that had just been pulled from the oven.

I have tried to duplicate this meal several times and just cannot get it right. My mother-in-law had the process of cooking this meal down to perfection. I really miss the joy of the family gathering sitting down to a Sunday meal, not to mention the delicious food enjoyed by all.

Depression Era Tea Biscuits

2 cups flour
4 heaping tsp baking powder
1/4 cup shortening
1 tsp salt

With a knife, cut shortening into flour and baking powder mixture. Add salt.
Mix in enough milk to make the mixture moist and all is sticking together.
Knead your mixture and then pat it all out on a piece of waxed paper, slightly dusted with flour
Cut out ’rounds’ with a small glass turned upside down.
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 450 degrees for approximately 10 minutes or until the tops of your biscuits are golden.

About Susan Scott

Susan Scott is a Torontonian who has enjoyed quite a few decades of growing up and living in TO. She is so fortunate to be able to enjoy many ethnic dishes. As much as she enjoys all of these various cuisines she thinks there is nothing more delicious than the wonderful comfort meals prepared for us by our mothers and grandmothers. God bless them. Share your own recipes and memories through our interactive blog.