Snow and Small Things

It is snowing…not the wild snow with wind that is associated with the fearful “Alberta Clipper”, but a gentle snow that lowers the blood pressure and eases the tension in your shoulders. It helps one relax mind and body and spirit.

Much like a Sabbatical, we all need moments of meditation…moments to pull back and take it easy.  We often delude ourselves into thinking the world needs us to keep it spinning.  It is time to reevaluate our role in God’s plan…at that matter it is time to see if we can even find God in the plans we have made. Sometimes our striving has set us apart from our Saviour.

I have a friend who pretty well lives with her TV on.  She is constantly inundated with news …mostly bad and she is constantly on high alert for disaster.  Recently she had a car accident and afterwards revealed to me that she was going to stop spending her time worrying about everything.  God had seen her through her accident without her worrying about it one little bit.

I’d like to take her advice as although I beseech the Lord for certain things, I still put them on the back burner, drag them out and worry about them…often just saying “I have a concern”…call it what you want, I am still worrying…but not today.  Today the snow is falling so gently, my kitchen is filled with the scent of bread baking in my bread machine and I have a day with no commitments…ah, life is good.

But I know life is not a picnic at times…however you can take sandwiches most anywhere and make it into a picnic site.

A friend phoned one day and invited me on a car ride…she didn’t take me far…just up the road to the park and there, ignoring the cold, she dragged out some hot coffee, bagels and cheese and we sat and enjoyed the fellowship and the food.  Such a small thing to do but it warms my heart every time I think of it.

So today God is sending me snow to remind me to slow down, do some small thing for someone else and see if I can make a memory for someone to cherish.