Plans by Our Maker

Today I got a hug…actually two hugs, a hello hug and a goodbye hug.  Both were from a young lady I have known a long time.

I was volunteering at the Hospital the day she was born and happened to run into her grandmother who was a good friend.  And that day she needed a good friend.

The baby was not yet born and the mother had gone through a lot of labour.  This poor about to be grandmother, looked like she’d gone through it too.

There are some things that come first and the book cart I had been wheeling around the hospital could just wait.

“Come with me” I persuaded, “You need a sit down and a coffee.”  Sometimes Hospital volunteering involves visiting and consoling other than patients.

I had known her daughter since she was very young.  At that matter she had been one of my teen C.G.I.T. girls (and what a wild but delightful class they were).  She had also had my husband as her Sunday School teacher in high school. (He really loved those kids and they always spoke of him with affection).

So, there was a lot of water under the bridge as I sat with my friend and listened to her anxiety about her daughter and the new baby.    When she left me and I quietly asked God to bless all of them; mother, grandmother and about to be born baby.

That “Baby” had just given me a wonderful hug and shared that she was happy, had a new job and a great relationship with a young man.   I told her “I love you” and she replied that she loved me too.

Now just how much happiness can you experience in one morning?  This baby had grown into a beautiful young woman who had no problem saying “I love you” to a lady who doesn’t see her very often, but has such beautiful memories of her entry into the world.

Sometimes there are real advantages to being allowed to live some extra years to see the dreams you have and the prayers you make come into fruition.  God had a plan for that little baby and today part of the plan was to bring a happy “I love you” into my morning.