Blooming Beautiful

“In the bulb there is a flower”, so goes a hymn we are all familiar with and love.  I have certainly been humming it as I have watched my Christmas present (an amaryllis) grow and grow and grow.

The top of the stem is swollen, like the tummy of a pregnant woman and reminds me daily that my granddaughter is nearly “due” and is filled with the beauty of a new child.  I can hardly wait!

The swollen pod on the amaryllis finally opened a few days ago and before my eyes two large red flowers have blossomed, with the promise of three more blooms.  It is like a miracle taking place before my eyes.

But the sheaths that covered the pod and held the flowers have dropped down.  Their time and use is finished.   Their stage of life is completed and done.  Now all I see is the beauty of this lovely plant.

My granddaughter is experiencing her pregnancy in almost the identical time frame that I did many years ago. At that matter both my girls were born the same day of the same month…two years apart.  This new pregnancy is very much in my mind and there is an aura of déjà vu about it.

But my days of birth and blossoming are long gone and now my earthly body is in a more resting stage.  This “tent” is a little tired but still looking forward to each new morning…after all there is going to be a new great grandchild on the scene any day now.  It will add more beauty to my life but right now I will have to be satisfied with my pretty plant.

God has wonderful ways of blessing us in each stage of our lives.