A Lesson Learned

An incident today revealed something about myself that I hadn’t realized before.  Suddenly I was in a position much like Jonah.  No I wasn’t swallowed by a whale, nor did water even touch my body, but like Jonah I had this feeling I should do something righteous.  No I hadn’t had this “great calling” but I was having a pretty good day, so why not make it pleasant for someone else.

I phoned two friends; one has mobility problems, the other hasn’t a car and has been unwell.  I would take them for a drive and we’d go for coffee.

I should have realized my “perfect day” was off to a bad start when the cost of a hot chocolate at one venue was way out of line. “No way” I said, “I’m not paying that for hot chocolate,” and with my two friends in tow we went to another place of business. But alas, there were no muffins there so I pouted a little but we did have a nice chat and a pleasant hour passed. One had a prescription that needed filling and we looked after that then I drove them both home, a smile of satisfaction on my face.   Yes, I had been a good girl. I’d really helped them have a special day and hopefully forget their troubles that had kept them house-bound.

Later, I found one of them had gone out again later with a friend and stood in line for nearly a half hour to buy some groceries.

“Well,” I said to myself, “maybe she isn’t as sick as I thought, maybe she didn’t need my T.L.C.”   I guess I was a bit angry.

Then I remembered Jonah and started to laugh.  He too was mad when the people of Nineveh repented and God did not bring judgment on them…and after all the sacrifices Jonah had made.

I should have been glad my friend felt well enough to go out twice in one day instead of being miffed that my gift of an outing wasn’t sufficient.

Wow! It is often those tiny barbs of conscience that really hurt…but God and I had a good laugh and He is ever patient and is always gently showing me what His expectations are.  I just hope I have learned a lesson and that I don’t mess up again tomorrow.