Wednesday – Advent – a time of love

The Synod of Manitoba and NW Ontario has  a monthly Daily Devotion.   During the month of November and December,  we have been focussing upon the Gospel According to St. Luke.     As we come before the time of the birth of the Christ Child,  we begin to reflect and meditate upon the story of the Birth of Jesus.  

Prayer:  O Lord Jesus Christ,  who at Thy first coming did send Your messenger to prepare Your way.  Grant that the ministers and elders of Your mysteries may likewise so prepare and make ready Your way, by turning the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, that at Your second coming to judge the world we may be found an acceptable people in Your sight, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit,  ever one God,  world without end.  Amen.   ((The Third Sunday in Advent Collect  Church of England  The Book of Common Prayer  pg 91)

Read St Matthew 1: 18 – 25

Madeleine L’Engle wrote a wonderful book called “The Glorious Impossible”.   This is the story of the Birth and life of Jesus.    With just ourselves alone,  often things and events are impossible  but with God,  all things are made possible.  God creates the Glorious Impossible.     These next few days,  we will be looking at portions of her book.     

“And what of Joseph,  Mary’s  fiancé?  What was he to think of this news?   In those days the punishment for adultery was stoning, stoning to death, and this amazing pregnancy looked to Joseph like adultery.  He must have loved Mary very much, because what he decided to do was simply to break the marriage bond quietly and send her away to someplace safe.     But again an angel came into the story, coming to Joseph in a dream.      “FEAR NOT! Joseph, son of David!  Don’t be afraid to take Mary to you as your wife.  The child within her has been conceived by the Holy Spirit.  She will have a son, and you are to call his name Jesus, ‘God Saves’, for he will save his people from their sins.”     This Joseph must have been a wonderful man. He believed the angel, accepted the Glorious Impossible, and took Mary to himself.”    (Madeleine L’Engle  “The Glorious Impossible”.  Crosswicks Ltd,  1990)

 Prayer:  Thank You Lord for the Glorious Impossible of giving Your Son to the world. May we,  like Joseph,  open our hearts and minds to Your calling to us this day.   During this Advent,  we remember the love that Joseph shared with Mary.    Christ has come.   Christ is coming.  Christ will come again.  Amen