Friday – filled with joy

Prayer:  Almighty God, who has given us Your only begotten Son to take our nature upon him, and as at this time to be born of a Virgin.  Grant that we  made Your children by adoption and grace,  may daily be renewed by Your Holy Spirit; through the same  Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the same Holy Spirit,  ever one God,  world without end.  Amen.   (The Christmas  Collect  Church of England  The Book of Common Prayer  pg 94)

Read  St. Luke 2:  1 – 7

“Mary and Joseph had to leave home because of the general census ordered byRome; so Joseph took his young, pregnant wife to register inBethlehem, because he was of the house of David.

LittleBethlehemwas crowded, overcrowded with people coming to register.  There was no room in the inn,  no place for Joseph to take Mary, whose labour was beginning.  How terrifying for Mary to be wracked with pain while Joseph tried helplessly to find someplace for them to stay.  Finally they were guided to a cave where animals were lodged.  There Mary gave birth to the infant Jesus, surrounded by lowing cattle, donkeys, and oxen.  Exhausted, but filled with joy,  she laid him in a manger.”  (Madeleine L’Engle  “The Glorious Impossible”.  Crosswicks Ltd,  1990)

 Prayer:  With great love, You came into the world.  With great love,  You come into our hearts.  With great peace,  You came into the world to bring forgiveness of sins.  With great peace,  You come into our world to bring forgiveness of sins.  With great joy,  You came into the world bringing the Good News of God.  With great joy,  You come into our minds and souls bringing the Good News of God.  Alleluiah.  Amen.