Saturday – Preparing for Advent 4 through Prayer

Prayer:    Great God,  may You enlighten our hearts this Advent so that we can be a beacon of Your joy in this world.  During this time of waiting for the return of Christ,  enliven our hearts to hear Your Voice.    Through our prayers and scripture readings,  we know that Christ has come,  Christ is coming,  Christ will come again.  Almighty God,  may we share this gift of joy with our neighbours and our friends.     Divine Healer,  move though every part of our body and our mind dissolving all feelings, thoughts, and patterns of frustration and irritation and aggravation.  Divine Healer,  sweep away all impatience, struggle, and suffering that resides in our consciousness.  Allow us to turn our frustrations into imagination,  inspiration,  and enthusiastic action.  Help us  O Lord,  and guide our footsteps into Your glory and goodness and love so that we can experience satisfaction in all our accomplishments You give us each day. 

(Sit in silence for a few minutes and reflect on this past week and how you have seen the hand of God in your life). 

 We thank You, Great God,  that Christ has come,  Christ is coming, and Christ will come again.  This we ask in Your Son, our Lord.    Amen.