Greek-Style Beet Salad

Binnie Hamilton Armstrong, a peripatetic Presbyterian, was born in Sudbury. During her formative years, she attended Knox Presbyterian Church with her family. Two things stand out, in Binnie’s mind, from those post- WWII years. The minister’s wife organized a youth orchestra. The young musicians practiced on Saturdays and played at Sunday school every week. Binnie, a talented pianist, also accompanied guest musicians and soloists. Her other vivid memory is of an annual Chinese Tea held in the church hall. In Sudbury, there was a large population of working Chinese men. All were single. The Canadian Government would not permit these men to bring their wives or prospective brides to Canada. Then, in the 1950s, immigration rules changed and the women were allowed to come from China.
“I was teaching school, by then, and we organized English classes, at the church, for these women,” Binnie says. “Once a year the Chinese ladies would put on a tea, for us, with Chinese food. The hall was all decorated and the women would be all dressed up, in their lovely Chinese outfits.”
After Binnie (named for her grandmother Robina), became Mrs. Clyde Armstrong, she moved with her husband to Huntsville, Toronto and Ireland and attended church, in each location, before settling in North Bay. The Armstrongs raised their family in North Bay and, for 31 years, attended Calvin Presbyterian where they were both elders. Eleven years ago, as retirees, the couple moved to Collingwood for the skiing and sailing and, before long, they joined First Presbyterian Church. Sadly, Clyde Armstrong died eight years ago, but Binnie has remained active, in the church, and is involved with its outreach programmes
When it comes to party dishes, Binnie prefers to take along something savoury rather than a dessert. The easy beet salad, below, is one of her favourite offerings. For the record, Binnie found the ingredients for this Greek- influenced salad (olives and feta) in a Lucy Waverman cookbook.

1 head romaine lettuce
½  cup sliced red onions
1 cup diced feta cheese
1 cup pitted Kalamata olives
1 ½ cups cooked diced beets
1 tsp chopped fresh dill
Salt and pepper to taste
¼ cup olive oil
2  tsp red wine vinegar
Tear lettuce into bite-sized pieces. Scatter over a platter.
Add onions, feta, olives, beets. Sprinkle with dill, salt and pepper
Mix together olive oil and wine vinegar. Dress the salad.
Toss just before serving.