Day two of the Lent Project: Trusting in God’s Promise.

Today was a hard day for my boy. His morning began at 5:20am and he’s feeling it. This week has been a week of amazing breakthroughs and accomplishments for him which I think has left him a little drained and excited. We went out this morning to visit some of his little friends and he was just not himself. He sat on my lap and then finally we had to leave as he was tired, cranky and overwhelmed.

As a little valentine treat for him I thought I would take him to the mall for lunch. He finds the mall fascinating as there are elevators and corridors he likes to explore. We almost always know someone at the mall to run into and he likes to walk and see if anything has changed. While we were there I picked up some face cream that I’m running low on. When we got home I unpacked them and noticed something quite intriguing.  On the outside of each package there were promises. One said it would plump up fine lines. Another said it would reduce circles and puffs. These creams come with promises for a better tomorrow. A tomorrow where my skin will be perfect and line free.

Abram, or Abraham as we more commonly know him was given promises for a better tomorrow in our reading for the Lent Project today.  God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars and that they would come from the son he and his wife would bear.  An unlikely scenario for two older people and something that most of us would have a hard time believing if it were told to us. Yet Abram believed God when God said he would be his shield and reward. Abram knew that God would follow through on his promises.

Promises for a better tomorrow coming from God are welcome and wondrous but how often do we believe them? I believe in God of course.  I believe that God can do anything, yet sometimes I find myself doubting. I don’t doubt God’s abilities, I doubt that God will get involved. Whether it’s self doubt or cynicism I’m not sure, but I find myself slipping into doubt at times when I know I should be faithful. Why is it that I can buy creams from a counter and have hope that they will do what they promise and not always have that same hope in God?

I should say I’m a relatively hopefully person. Some might say I’m naively optimistic when it comes to the church’s future and I tend believe that good things will happen in the end. I do believe in God’s promise and I love that God is invested in people. Sometimes though, if I’m absolutely honest it’s easier for me to believe Clinique than it is to believe God. It has nothing to do with who is more trustworthy, obviously God wins that challenge. If Clinique’s promises don’t pan out I’m not surprised, I don’t really expect them to. But God’s promises are so much better than a wrinkle cure and I sometimes I can’t imagine that what God says is possible. It just seems so unlikely, so very good to be true.

God’s promises are so very good because God is good. Great things are possible in God not just for others but for me too and I need to start believing that. I think in some ways it’s easier to tell others about God’s goodness than it is to accept it for yourself. It’s time for me to be bold like Abram.  I need to accept that what God promises, God will do.

I have decided today to believe God. I’m choosing to trust that God will do what he says he will do, even if it seems impossible to me.
What about you?